Configurations of my hexo blog, now rendering with pandoc and automatic building/publishing with Travis-CI.
Camera Pose & Pose Estimation
Camera pose estimation is one of the most widely used low-level computer vision research, fundamentally supports SLAM, SfM, AR, VR and our ACR (Active Camera Relocalization).
For one camera, we can express its pose by its location and rotation w.r.t. to one global coordinate, and for relative pose between two images, we can treat one as the global and assign \(I=[eye(3);0]\) to it. But this kind of intuitive
description/assignment is not clear enough at all, especially when you try to code it (believe me -.-).
Euler Angle, a program approach
3D rotations matrices can make your head spin. I know it is a bad pun but truth can sometimes be very punny! --
It has always been a burden to understand the physical meaning of Euler angle and do the rotation manipulation in code right, for a really long time. Each and every time I thought I was right and tweaked the codes and later found that I was wrong in one way or another.
The intrinsic of UnrealCV camera
The intrinsic of camera matters a lot in many low-level computer vision tasks, and in many scenarios maybe one plausive configuration is enough, there is no needs to get the exact value. In this post, we demonstrate how to get camera intrinsic quickly with an unavoidable error.
Have a glance at unrealcv
This is the first post of my series of survey posts on synthesis ways to produce datasets for computer vision or virtual environment for DL/RL. Today we will have a look at a pretty neat tool -- unrealcv to acquire data from the Unreal4 world.
A survey of synthetic computer vision
I am going to blog a series of survey posts on synthesis ways to produce datasets for computer vision or virtual environment for DL/RL, the idea first came into my mind when one of my upperclassman (FP, T) told me we can use data produced by simulation software for DL,
Story of Configuration
It all starts when I was very very young, my mother bought me rattle-drum and when I got home I immediately cracked open it to see how it actually make a sound.
Shell Scripts
Some handy shell scripts useful for myself and maybe others.
Some tools
Why and what
There are lots of nice or great tools on the internet, sometimes I will just forget a possible Silver bullet
for a particular situation. So this blog is just an entrance to a nice or clean or amazing world just by small tools.
How to install opencv in WINDOWS
在 windows 上编译安装 opencv2 以及 opencv3,同时配置 python2 与 python3。预期目标是能够同时使用 python2/3 与 opencv2/3,共三种组合方式(opencv2 不支持 python3.x 版本)。